Instagram Poetry

quarks, leptons, bosons ―
we are all
the same

life is a river
sometimes it is sparkling and smooth
sometimes it is murky and turbulent
always it flows onward

try sitting
on the mountaintops
with naught
but the company
of stars

under the same brilliant
iridescent skies
there are
no strangers

when you’re feeling down
remember that the worst
day of your life
still hasn’t happened

the tempests
rain devastation
but also bring
the water of vitality

out there
wants to be
the person
you try to hide

these words
were not written
by an algorithm
but do they feel
any more

wood fire crackles
let the smell of fresh pine
warm your hands
but don’t burn yourself

we care too much about
our tomorrow
and not enough about
our today

poetry doesn’t
have to be good
to be poetry ―
it just has to
be real.

Jieruei Chang